s1 = "ABC"
s2 = "ABCBABC"
The string s1
appears 5 times as a subsequence in s2
at 1- indexed positions of (1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 7), (1, 4, 7), (1, 6, 7), and (5, 6, 7). The answer is 5.
Complete the function getSubsequenceCount
in the editor below.
has the following parameters:
: the first string, which always has a length of 3s2
: the second stringReturns:
appears as a subsequence in s2
= 3s2
≤ 5 * 10^5s1
and s2
consist of uppercase English letters, A-Z.// Complete the 'getSubsequenceCount' function below.
// The function is expected to return a LONG_INTEGER.
// The function accepts following parameters:
// 1. STRING s1
// 2. STRING s2
func getSubsequenceCount(s1: String, s2: String) -> Int {
let set = CharacterSet.init(charactersIn: s1)
let cleanedS2 = s2.trimmingCharacters (in: set.inverted)
let s2Array = Array(cleanedS2)
var matches: [String] = []
for i in 0...cleanedS2.count-3 {
for j in 1...cleanedS2.count-2 {
for k in 2...cleanedS2.count-1 {
let str = "\(s2Array[i])\(s2Array[j])\(s2Array[k])"
let match = "\(i)\(j)\(k)"
if i < j && j < k && str == s1 && !matches.contains(match) {
return matches.count
runTestCase(number: 1, expected: 3, s1: "HRW", s2: "HERHRWS")
runTestCase(number: 2, expected: 2, s1: "LKL", s2: "KKMKMKKKKKMMLMKKMMML")
runTestCase(number: 3, expected: 4, s1: "ELO", s2: "HELLOWORLD")
runTestCase(number: 4, expected: 5, s1: "ABC", s2: "ABCBABC")
func runTestCase(number: Int, expected: Int, s1: String, s2: String) {
let test = getSubsequenceCount(s1: s1, s2: s2)
if test == expected {
print("Test \(number) Passed (got \(test), expected \(expected))")
} else {
print("Test \(number) FAILED (got \(test), expected \(expected))")